Why are Online Customer Reviews So Powerful?

October 20, 2021

Ever wondered about the significance of those star ratings accompanying products and services? Those unassuming stars serve as gateways to a treasure trove of real-life experiences, acting as a compass guided by everyday people like you. Let's delve into the reasons why online reviews wield such profound influence.

The Power of Social Proof:

Human nature dictates that we instinctively trust the judgments of our peers. In an unfamiliar city, you're likely to choose a restaurant adorned with gleaming 5-star reviews. This is the essence of "social proof," where we adopt behaviors or beliefs based on others' actions.

Insights for Informed Decisions:

Online reviews provide a sneak peek into what awaits us – showcasing highs, lows, and everything in between. It's like receiving firsthand counsel from a friend who has already ventured where you're about to tread. In a world where time and money are precious, these insights become priceless guides.

  1. The Importance of Customer Reviews: Over 95% of customers consult product reviews before purchasing, and 58% are willing to pay extra for positively reviewed products (Global Newswire). Almost 40% of people rely on reviews to make informed buying choices (Unknown Source). 89% of shoppers read reviews before making a purchase, with positive reviews ranking among the top three factors influencing buying decisions for 49% of them (Trustpilot).
  2. The Impact on Businesses: Good reviews can increase spending by over 30%, while a negative review can discourage up to 40% of potential customers (Bright Local). More than 92% of shoppers say honest reviews strongly affect their purchases, yet only 20% of companies have considered adding reviews to their marketing plans (G2).
  3. Crucial Role in Business Visibility: 70% of internet users employ rating filters when searching for companies, with businesses having 4 stars or higher being most preferred (Review Trackers). 62% of people worldwide would stop using a platform if they found out that reviews were being censored (Trustpilot).
  4. Increasing Importance of Localized Reviews: 77% of people regularly check reviews for local businesses, indicating a growing reliance on localized reviews when making decisions (Bright Local). 85% of consumers may dismiss older reviews, with 40% giving more weight to reviews less than two weeks old (Bright Local).
  5. The Evolving Landscape of Reviews: Online consumer reviews are becoming more concise, with the average length shrinking to around 200 characters (Review Trackers). Displaying reviews alongside products significantly increases their chances of selling, with products having five or more reviews being four times more likely to be purchased (Spiegel Research Center).

In conclusion, the shared wisdom embedded in customer reviews is invaluable. At Across, our digital marketing services are designed to elevate your brand by aligning seamlessly with the aspirations of your customers. Just as you trust the wisdom of others' experiences, our strategies are rooted in data, ensuring your brand's narrative resonates harmoniously.